Sunday, June 3, 2012

What is Leucoderma?Leucoderma is a chronic disorder of the skin where the skin stops producing pigments that color the skin. As a result white patches appear randomly at different locations on the skin. These patches are white in color and as time passes may increase in number and size. Leucoderma is not a medical term. It is only a substitute name for Vitiligo.

Products as per Optimal Health Pyramid for - Leucoderma
Aloe Vera Gel
The miraculous aloe leaf has benefitted mankind for thousands of years.
Aloe Berry Nectar
Don’t let the great taste fool you – it’s a health powerhouse!

Lycium Plus
A Chinese fruit used for centuries, lycium can enhance your complexion and help maintain high energy and good vision.
Royal Jelly
Give your energy and immune system a boost with Royal Jelly

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