Sunday, June 3, 2012

What is Sinus?Sinuses are air-filled spaces in the skull that are lined with mucus membranes. Sinuses are found around the eyes, nose, forehead and cheeks, and have opening to nasal passages. Functions of the sinuses include humidifying and warming inhaled air, insulation of surrounding eyes and nerves, increasing voice resonance and acting as buffers against facial trauma.

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinus membranes. There are 2 types of sinus:
Acute sinusitis – lasts longer than 4 weeks. Usually starts with a common cold or allergy and lead to a bacterial infection
Chronic sinusitis – lasts longer than 12 weeks/occur more than 4 times per year with symptoms usually lasting more than 20 days. Membranes of sinus and nose are thickened because they are constantly inflamed.

Products as per Optimal Health Pyramid for - Sinus

Aloe Vera Gel
The miraculous aloe leaf has benefitted mankind for thousands of years.
Aloe Berry Nectar
Don’t let the great taste fool you – it’s a health powerhouse!

Bee Propolis
Propolis is the protective substance gathered and used by bees to keep their hives clean.
Absorbent-C helps maintain healthy connective tissues, skin, joints and respiratory functions.

Garlic and thyme, two powerful antioxidants, combine to create a great tool in maintaining good health.

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