Sunday, June 3, 2012

What is Mumps?Mumps is a contagious disease that leads to painful swelling of the salivary glands. The salivary glands produce saliva, a liquid that moistens food and helps you chew and swallow.

The mumps are caused by a virus. The virus is spread from person-to-person by respiratory droplets (for example, when you sneeze) or by direct contact with items that have been contaminated with infected saliva.
Mumps most commonly occurs in children ages 2 - 12 who have not been vaccinated against the disease. However, the infection can occur at any age.

Products as per Optimal Health Pyramid for - Mumps

Aloe Vera Gel
The miraculous aloe leaf has benefitted mankind for thousands of years.
Aloe Berry Nectar
Don’t let the great taste fool you – it’s a health powerhouse!

Bee Propolis
Propolis is the protective substance gathered and used by bees to keep their hives clean.

Feed your creativity with ginkgo biloba. Ginkgo has been shown to increase circulation of blood to the brain, elevate mood and energy, and increase concentration, alertness, and metabolism.

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