Friday, July 27, 2012

Benefits Of Exercise

Benefits of exercise are not a hidden factor. Exercise is beneficial for everyone but the need of exercise increases in the elderly more. The cells of the body start depleting when we age due the oxidative damage. As the person ages different problems also start developing like cardiovascular, metabolic, endocrine and psychological. When a person starts exercising then he can get relief from these problems. Exercise releases the hormone endorphin which gives you the feel good factors so boosts the mood and avoid the stress. Exercise improves blood pressure, lipid profile, insulin sensitivity and also improves the quality of life.

As we age the vision can start decreasing, hips and legs can become weaker, posture can be poor and it becomes harder to stand erect. Due to the accumulation of the fat different cardiovascular diseases starts developing. As we age the muscle strength declines by 15 percent per decade after the age of 50 and 30 percent after the age of 70. Although this is much rapid in women than men. So the exercise like strength training is very important for the improvement in the muscle mass. Exercise also increases the stamina and the strength.

With the regular exercise one can improve the quality of the sleep and he can have a sound sleep. Insomnia or the lack of sleep is the very common problem in elderly. Exercise also improves the functioning of the brain and prevents the diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia. A regular exercise also maintains the weight. Being overweight can be the one major reason for developing different types of diseases like cardiovascular, diabetes, joint pains and inflammations. Regular exercise also boosts the immunity of the person thus can fight the infections easily.

Following can be the exercises for the elderly:
Leg extensions: This exercise strengthens the knee muscles and also increases the longevity of the knees.
Abdominal crunches: This exercise strengthens the back and builds the abdominal muscles.
Long Walk: Walk can increase the heart rate and can also boost the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
Swimming: Swimming can be the great exercise for the body shaping as this can be the beneficial exercise for the whole body.
Cross trainer: This exercise can monitor the heart rate and also optimize the resistance.
Strength exercises: These exercises strengthen the legs, abs, chest, back and shoulder muscles.

Precautions while exercising:
Always check with your family doctor before starting the exercise. Start with a light intensity exercise and gradually increase it.
Start with the warm up exercises as this can avoid the injuries.
Keep your body well hydrated. Always carry a water bottle with you while going to gym. Take some fluids before the workout and in between the exercise. This will also remove the toxins from the body and keep you free from diseases also.
Don’t focus on the weight training rather start with the cardio exercises. This will be helpful for the overall health of the body.

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